© AGait
© AGait
Sant Jordi Church, Sant Jordi
Typical Ibizan style white washed church in small south east town
A 16th century church set in the heart of the town of Sant Jordi, close to both Ibiza town and the Ibiza International airport.
As with most other churches it is fortified to prevent pirate attack and give the towns people a safe hiding place. As well as being a stronghold this church is also beautiful, the huge thick walls, squat structure and bell tower surrounded by battlements are simple in their construction and whitewashed that perfect Balearic white which contrasts beautifully with the dark wood doors, panelling and beams of the porch ceiling. Walls filled with flower boxes surround the church and make a quiet and green place to have a sit down, as does the large covered porch area, built to shelter many people. This beautiful piece of Ibizan architecture is all the more special for its location in the centre of this unremarkable little town.